Jse paint the town red
Jse paint the town red

jse paint the town red

  • Literal example in Clint Eastwood's High Plains Drifter.
  • In Watchmen, Doctor Manhattan is shown once using his powers to turn a bunch of thugs into chunky, red paint.
  • Happens quite frequently in Highschool of the Dead, thanks to the zombies.
  • The comic and film open with a crew cleaning up his mess.
  • This is the signature of the titular Ichi the Killer.
  • One must wonder how long it took to clean all that up.
  • In the second Rebuild of Evangelion movie, Sahaquiel's death is changed so that the Angel explodes into a gigantic wave of blood, which then washes over Tokyo-3.
  • Often used to imply or enhance the amount of incredible violence that the Angels and EVAs are capable of in Neon Genesis Evangelion, most memorably when Gendo orders the autopilot to take over and destroy the EVA being piloted by Touji after an Angel hijacks it.
  • In the Blood: The Last Vampire movie, Saya wasn't afraid of doing this, even in front of a nurse who didn't have the foggiest idea of what was going on.
  • Commonplace in Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, often played for laughs.
  • Seras invokes this trope once, literally smearing her opponent all over a wall.
  • In Hellsing, this is Alucard's favorite activity.
  • Zoro from One Piece revels in this trope.
  • And it later becomes commonplace for Wrath/King Bradley.
  • In Fullmetal Alchemist, this is Scar's calling card.
  • jse paint the town red

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    jse paint the town red

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    Jse paint the town red